Rites of Passage
Sometimes I scream for what I want
Other times, I whisper
Sometimes it comes out as a groan
Or a gasp
Sometimes it’s a plea
And other times, it’s in total glee
Ecstasy is mainly what I experience
In both pleasure and pain
And how did I get here?
Not without total collapse
Depression, anxiety, PTSD
From Paramedic to Priestess
It was difficult transition.
And let me remind you,
The transition is current, it is unending.
But the one reason I stand before you and ASK for what I want is because I was shown how.
How to ask
How to receive
How to bear witness
How to hold
How to be held
How to let go
And yes, this journey… it is not always easy.
the seasons change; and everything around me fall, builds and falls again,
What continues to strengthen in my dedication to walk this path.
But it is much easier when your hand is held. When you can be witnessed. In your greatness and in your pain.
My parents did their best. And your parents… their best too.
I am here.
To hold your hand.
To mark your transition. Honour it. Hold it dear. Throw away what no longer serves. To create a ritual. To mark this passage. To weave the threads of it into daily life.
As a reminder.
As a badge.
Of whom you were, and now who you choose to be.
To gather the women of the past –your ancestors, who hold you, who guide you, as you walk, jump and skip into the person YOU are destined to be.
These rights, they weave together the threads of life.
They teach you how to
Give thanks
Lean it
Let go
and FLY.
Fly into the person you are meant to be.